Tuesday 16 December 2008

Tesco.com API Support Web Live!

As we head towards Friday and the launch of the Community Technical Preview edition of the Tesco.com grocery API, it's time to sign up now as a developer.

Head to: https://www.lansleytech.com/tescoapiweb

Register, check through the terms and conditions (I particularly like condition 20), then login and set up an Application Key so you are ready to make a start from 19th December.

Now don't go criticising the support web's look and feel - I've rustled it up using Visual Studio 2008 and C# and I am an engineer rather than a designer. The site has been checked (actually, tortured) by our security team to make sure it is secure and survives being hacked by them. So I say let's get it up and running and I can make it beautiful later.

If you have any questions or issues specifically with any part of the API Support Site, or you have a problem with one or more of the terms, conditions that you are being asked to agree to, email me at the API support email address of tescoapisupport@lansley.com

During Friday, all registered developers will receive an email with instructions to get started, and I'll announce it here too.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,

    I love the API. I cannot see how these API link to the weekly shopping basket that I create online?

    My thinking is:

    1) Go to the fridge, realise I haven't got any mushrooms :-)

    2) Close the door, Select mushrooms from my touch screen device, that sits on the fridge (Tesco Pin Board).

    3) The mushrooms I normally choose are automatically added to my normal online shopping list for submission at end of the week.

    Is such a link planned, or am I missing something?

    Also - Maybe I need "mushrooms earlier" I want to remind people in my family that are near a Tesco Metro to pop in and get some.



As this blog grows in readership - and because it carries the Tesco brand - I have had to become more careful about the sort of comments that are acceptable. The good news is that I'm a champion of free speech so please be as praising or as critical as you wish! The only comments I DON'T allow through are:

1. Comments which criticise an individual other than myself, or are critical of an organisation other than Tesco. This is simply because they cannot defend themselves so is unfair and possibly libellous. Comments about some aspect of Tesco being better/worse than another equivalent organisation are allowed as long as you start by saying "in my personal opinion.." or "I think that...". ... followed by a "...because.." and some reasoned argument.

2. Comments which are totally unrelated to the context of the original article. If I have written about a mobile app and you start complaining about the price of potatoes then your comment isn't going stay for long!

3. Advertising / web links / spam.

4. Insulting / obscene messages.

Ok, rules done - now it's your go: