Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Tesco Groceries for iPhone - now with Barcode Scanner

Our Tesco Groceries for iPhone app has been updated to enable you to scan barcodes using the iPhone's camera (the same way that Tesco Finder for iPhone does).

Now you can scan any EAN barcode and, as long as the product is sold in your home store, you can see the product's details and add it straight to your current shopping basket. This should really add to the convenience of grocery home shopping, so enjoy this new facility.

To update the app, just launch App Store on your iPhone or iTunes on your computer and follow the easy instructions to download the free update. If you're now convinced to download Tesco Groceries for iPhone for the first time, click here to get the app.


  1. Sounds like a nifty little feature. I could see myself using this (if I had an iphone). Any ETA on the Android app with an equivalent feature? :)

  2. My wife does all the shopping on her Iphone already so the bar code will be a great addition. Can something be done to edit the favourites more easily even if it is from the web?

  3. Would love to know why the android app is taking so long? Maybe we need to press the publicity button at a more general level. Seems a lot of folks keep asking nicely here, but we get no updates. Come on guys, just keep us informed and keep our frustration levels down.

  4. I have been using tesco for ages but the lack of an Android app is a real oversight, temped to go down the Ocado route if something doesn't immerge sharpish.

  5. Where is the android app! Nick, I've seen your post elsewhere saying its in progress but how long can we be expected to wait?!


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